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Nationalisation and British Coal

Although Britain had defeated the Axis Powers in the Second World War, the country was falling from its status as the world’s sole economic power; 1945 was the second consecutive year that GDP per capita had fallen. Influenced by economists like William Beveridge and John Maynard Keynes, British economic policy operated under the guidance of what is referred to as the Post-War Consensus. From the end of the Second World War until the election of Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Government, British politicians from both major political parties agreed to establish Britain as a social democracy. A key element of the Post-War Consensus was its proposition of nationalisation as a method to increase output and to make utilities more available to the British people. Nationalisation, although well-intentioned, was the leading cause of the decline of the British coal industry, and therefore lead to increased energy dependence on other nations.

Between 1945 and 1951, Clement Attlee’s Labour government nationalised numerous major industries, including coal, electricity, railway transportation and telecommunications. Broadly, such industries were nationalised to further the public interest; the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 reads, “There shall be a National Coal Board… charged with the duties of:

(a) working and getting the coal in Great Britain, to the exclusion (save as in this Act provided) of any other person ;

(b) securing the efficient development of the coal-mining industry; and

(c) making supplies of coal available, of such qualities and sizes, in such quantities and at such prices, as may seem to them best calculated to further the public interest in all respects, including the avoidance of any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage.”[1]


Supporters of nationalisation often invoke the concept of “economies of scale” to demonstrate that granting the state total control of a particular industry would make the operations within that industry more efficient by reducing the cost required to produce one good. In a 2020 article for The Conversation, Professor Emeritus Colin Bamford made this argument in favour of the nationalisation of Northern Rail[2]; by increasing the proportion of operations handled by a singular body, the initial cost of constructing large railway networks and building trains is divided among the increased number of operations, giving the body a comparative advantage in that industry.

Figure 1: Economies (and diseconomies) of Scale

Following this argument, as coal production by a singular body (in this case the National Coal Board) increased between Q and Q2, as shown in Figure 1, the price of producing each unit of coal would decrease, meaning that the newly nationalised coal industry could further production, provide lower energy costs onto consumers. This would help fulfil the National Coal Board’s (NCB) aim of providing affordable energy to British citizens.

By examining changes in coal production output, as well as the cost of domestic heating for the average consumer, one might be able to assess the effects of state control of the coal industry. Between 1946 and 1952, coal production in the UK increased from 193.11 million tonnes to 228.5 million tonnes[3], an increase of 18%. In the same period, however, the cost of domestic heating also increased by ~20%. This suggests that the National Coal Board experienced diseconomies of scale; an increase in output resulted in an increase in cost per unit, which is responsible for the increase in consumer prices.

In this case, the diseconomies of scale were caused by the corrupt way the Board was run. Section 2 of the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 stipulated that “The chairman and other members of the Board shall be appointed by the Minister of Fuel and Power…”. Hence, unsuccessful operations arose. By granting a Member of Parliament to choose the individuals who would run the coal industry, it became inevitable that the chairman and members of the board would be those with special connections to powerful politicians. The legislation specified that board members should be “qualified as having had experience of, and having shown capacity in, industrial, commercial or financial matters, applied science, administration, or the organisation of workers”; this did not guarantee effective operation of the coal industry. In the first four decades after the nationalisation of the coal industry, total coal production in the UK decreased by 44%, despite the NCB’s ambitious targets to increase output.

Figure 2: Coal production in the United Kingdom between 1946 and 1987, the years that the National Coal Board was in operation.

One often posited hypothesis for the decline of the British coal industry is the availability of cheaper alternative energy sources. Critics of the nationalisation hypothesis might argue that the decline of the coal industry was caused by the increased availability of oil in the North Sea or the increased use of nuclear power. The country’s first nuclear power station was opened in 1956 and oil exploration in the North Sea became increasingly popular in the middle of the 1960s. However, the availability of alternative energy sources does not suffice as an explanation for the decline of the British coal industry If anything, these criticisms further expose the failure of nationalisation. For nationalisation to be effective, long-term demand for the commodity that has been nationalised must be guaranteed, or else the resources devoted to nationalising the industry would have been put to waste. If coal had remained under private control after World War II, the diseconomies of scale caused by the NCB would not have occurred, and the coal industry might have remained competitive for much longer. Moreover, no taxpayer money would need to be devoted to nationalising the soon-to-fail industry.

Ultimately, the National Coal Board failed as it could not adapt to changing market circumstances. The NCB set ambitious, arbitrary targets, and in the absence of the profit motive, there was no real impetus to dispense with poor chairmen. Throughout the era of state control for the coal industry, the price of domestic heating for the average consumer increased. The National Coal Board’s commitment to “further the public interest” had the inverse effect.




[1] Coal Industry Nationalisation Act, 1946

[2] Northern rail: economies of scale show steady nationalisation makes sense


[3] The death of UK coal in five charts
