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Showing posts from August, 2019

The UK income tax system is unfair

We hear it all the time: our tax system is unfair. It is, supposedly, stacked against the working classes; it's engineered to benefit the rich and hurt the poor. I ardently disagree with this notion and I believe that those who believe that the richest individuals do not contribute enough are either unaware of the facts, or are more dishonest and therefore choose to ignore them. The majority of us agree that equality of outcome is not a good idea. A student who had invested a great deal of time and effort into preparing for an exam would be rightly annoyed if, after the exam, the marks were equally distributed. Similarly, individuals in a family of four would not each eat the same amount of food in the spirit of equality; food would be distributed in accordance to need. We also, almost unanimously, agree that proportion is just. This is evident in the way we respond to tragedies. We express frustration and anger over news that, due to bad weather, farmer's harvest has failed

The Most Important Document You Haven't Heard Of

Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of British history is familiar with the Magna Carta. First signed by King John in 1215, it is the birth of constitutionalism in England. However, there is another equally important document that receives much less attention, both from general society and from our schools. Although it failed to respect the inherent right of Catholics to worship as they saw fit, it was a strong message in forcing monarchs to accept that they were not divinely chosen and could therefore not act executively without the consent of Parliament. Its relatives? The Magna Carta, the Provisions of Oxford and the far more famous US Bill of Rights. The document is the English Bill of Rights. The English Bill of Rights was presented to William and Mary at their coronation, after King James II, the previous King, was forced to abdicate the throne after the Glorious Revolution. The document addressed their grievances with the former monarch and clearly outlined that the civ

Why the Minimum Wage Should be Lowered

Who benefits from an increased minimum wage? It certainly isn't unskilled workers. The over-25s rate is currently £8.21 per hour, and is set to rise to £8.67. Both major parties agree that the minimum wage should be higher; this is evident as the concept of a “National Living Wage” was first proposed by Chancellor and Conservative politician, George Osborne. However, at the last General Election, Labour pledged to increase it by considerably more if they came into power. I strongly believe that these decisions make little economic sense, and are simply cases of politicians pandering to uninformed voter bases that have not considered the consequences of a hike in minimum wage laws. In this piece, I'll argue why minimum wage laws are inherently bad for the economy, with unskilled workers being the primary victims. Proponents of the minimum wage often argue that an increase in the minimum wage will mean that workers will no longer have to rely on government assistance. They reason

The English Resistance to William I

William I, King of England, is most commonly known for successfully invading England in 1066. By doing so, he not only introduced a new royal house, he also changed the English language by introducing French elements to it. This article will look at the resistance to William I, and his response.  Three months after the Battle of Hastings, on Christmas Day 1066, William I was coronated at Westminster Abbey, as King of England. His crown, however, did not grant him social acceptance by the English people. He spent the first few years of his reign asserting dominance all over the country. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the most comprehensive record of Anglo-Saxon history available to us, the citizens of London wanted Edgar the Aetheling to be king, “as was his proper due by birth.” Support for Edgar also grew amongst the Church, with the Archbishop of York also supporting the 17-year-old, prompting William I to launch a wave of military campaigns to subdue England. The Anglo-